How Can I Survive the Holidays?

The holidays are a difficult time for many people. Everyone knows that. There are myriad reasons for the difficulty – missing loved ones that have died tops my list. Watching others who are suffering because of illness, rejection, financial difficulty, poor...

Exaggerated Expectations

There seems to be an unwritten theory that leaders must have it all figured out. I know I’ve placed many leaders I’ve admired on pedestals of my own making, only to realize later that my expectations were too high. In my eagerness to follow them, I have often presumed...

Freedom From Fear and Insecurity

This article is the first in our “Freedom From…” Series. In the next eight weeks, we will feature a new woman each week that has faced adversity and found freedom in the process. We hope that reading these stories can help you face your own battles, that these...

It’s Kind of Fun to Do the Impossible

It was one of those days. Challenges were obvious and abundant on every corner, and the day just kept getting harder. Financial concerns, issues over which I have no control, and sharing other people’s pain… it was all taking its toll. Tears felt imminent throughout...

Just Do It

I was having a conversation with someone the other day about basic needs of teenagers. Since having that conversation I have come to decide that at least one of those needs is absolutely applicable to any age and stage of life. I believe that most people in the world...