Three Steps to Help the Breathless Breathe

You don’t have to be a runner to be breathless. The woman in the express lane ahead of me was just that. She swiped her credit card, looked at me, and asked, “Do you have the day off?” “I do,” I said. “How about you?” She was flushed. “No, I’m trying to run as many...

5 Things to See in Minnesota

Many Minnesota natives and out-of-state guests are looking for personal recommendations of the best things to do in Minnesota this summer. This makes a lot of sense, because when you Google “Things to see in Minnesota” and it gives you 53,500,000 results in .85...

Go Into All the World

Twelve years ago I sat in church listening to a missionary talk about things she had experienced as she served Christ in an Asian country. As I listened to her talk about miracle after miracle, I thought to myself, “I want to be part of that. I want to witness those...

My YES in Foster Care

Ever feel like you say YES to something and then wonder just moments later what in the world you were thinking? Yeah, me too. Like that one time I bought mom jeans and then looked in the mirror when I got home and thought, “Yeeeaaaah, that’s not gonna happen.” Or the...

When Chaos Calls

We hear so much in church and at women’s conferences, and often read in books and magazines, about finding our “calling.” I believe wholeheartedly in callings from God, but deciphering true callings from incorrectly perceived callings is the tough part!   I have felt...

3 Ways to Bless Graduates

How many hands will you shake or hugs will you give this graduation season? Rae Jean is three for three, and that’s just with her kids: Each child of hers will graduate at a different level of the educational system this year. Teachers, youth leaders, and coaches...