by Lenae Bulthuis | Feb 5, 2018 | Faith
I can still picture the water fountain where she went missing. Time hasn’t erased the horror. It was almost 25 years ago, and our first family outing after our youngest daughter was born. Melanie was a couple of weeks old; her sisters Elizabeth and Stephanie were six...
by Janet DeCaster | Feb 1, 2018 | Faith
“…but let God transform you into a new person…” Romans 12:2 January 1, 2018 – New Year’s Morning It’s a new day in a new year in a new life. Each day in Jesus can be new. “His mercies,” the Bible teaches, “begin afresh each...
by Lenae Bulthuis | Jan 18, 2018 | Faith
At a junior high girls’ basketball game, one of the parents in our eighth-grade fan section screamed at the referee and felt immediate remorse. “Time for a sucker!” she said. She popped it in her mouth and made a deliberate choice about who was going to...
by Nancy Holte | Jan 8, 2018 | Faith
“She’s fearless,” we overhear someone say about another person, usually after the woman has done something crazy like walk on a tightrope over Niagara Falls. And yes, there are a few people in history who have been seemingly fearless in their attempts to accomplish...
by Cindy Dullum | Dec 21, 2017 | Faith
I’ve had a love for writing my entire life. I remember in third or fourth grade when our class decided to throw our teacher a party. My job was to write a poem for her. How I wish I had a copy of that poem now! After raising four children, I wonder what it said....
by Lenae Bulthuis | Dec 7, 2017 | Faith
It happens every October. I see Christmas decorations and slashed prices on almond bark, and I stiffen. Then commit. This year will be different. This season I will walk in his steps through the holidays. Because here’s the thing. I can get tripped up by Hallmark...
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