Full Circle

This is the third article in our new 6-week series called “Her Story,” stories of ordinary women experiencing, overcoming, or choosing to do extraordinary things. This week’s story is from Carol Battista, whose abusive childhood led her from atheism to...

The Simple Life (Hoarders Beware)

Simplicity – what does it mean to a life of simplicity? Webster describes it as: the quality of being easy to understand or use: the state or quality of being plain or not fancy or complicated: something that is simple or ordinary but enjoyable. This concept really...

The Best Lemonade Maker

This is the second article in our new 6-week series called “Her Story,” stories of ordinary women experiencing, overcoming, or choosing to do extraordinary things. Michelle grew up the sixth child out of seven. She found her groove as a mini-Mom caretaker;...

Seeing God in Loss

Today we’re so pleased to introduce the first article in our new 6-week series called “Her Story,” stories of ordinary women experiencing, overcoming, or choosing to do extraordinary things. Today’s story comes from Judy Miller. Eighteen years...

Behind Closet Doors

I had a baby five weeks ago, so this past weekend I finally decided it was time to clear the maternity clothes out of my closet. And although I can’t quite fit into my regular size, I wanted to at least get the closet ready for the time when things fit again. But as I...

Life is Hard, But God is Good

I’m an optimist and usually an upbeat person. The majority of the time, I can see the silver lining of a cloud almost as quickly as I see the cloud, for myself and others. But there are times when the cloud feels so heavy that getting through the day feels more like...