
My husband hurt my feelings. I felt as if my trust had been broken. And as I lay in bed angry and stewing two days later, I realize that my hurt feelings toward my husband had not only turned to anger towards him, but also toward God. I’m so mad I could just yell. Or...

Be True to You

It took me long enough to figure it out, but I’m a cheerleader at heart. That statement, in and of itself, cracks me up, quite honestly. This admission will shock a few of my friends, but when I tried out for the cheerleading squad in junior high school, I wasn’t...


As I worked on my list of items to take to Ireland and carefully planned overlapping outfits that would stretch my wardrobe, I found myself staring at my bags and a thought hit me: Preparing for a flight is similar to God’s preparation and boundaries for living! Let...

Mom, You are Enough

Did I catch your eye with the title? Did you peer further, secretly hoping that what I said in the title is true? It is. You are. You, as you are, in this moment, are enough and I need you to know that. Even more, your kids need you to know that. Didn’t do the...

You’re Enough, Just as You Are

Driving in the darkness of the moonlit car, my emotions were roiling. Hurt, confusion, and frustration had me on a slow simmer that was quickly snowballing into a burn. It had started earlier that day, when a dear friend all but admitted that she isn’t always honest...

Why Other Generations Need You!

Our society tends to segregate individuals by age. Schools allow students to enter a grade based on their birth date; senior centers allow individuals to participate in activities when they reach a certain age; even in the workplace, where many generations are...