by Kendra Egeland Roehl | Dec 25, 2012 | Relationships
While the idea of getting together with extended family during the Christmas season is exciting for some, others are filled with dread, hoping for a valid excuse to leave early or not attend at all (“Oh, our car broke down on the way, what a bummer!”). But no matter...
by kristiekerr | Nov 29, 2012 | Relationships
I used to wear only plain white underwear. Probably more information than you EVER wanted to know about me – but there it is anyway. I’m a pretty practical girl. I buy my bras at Target, my shoes at WalMart, and most of my wardrobe staples are hand-me-downs from a...
by Kathy Banta | Oct 31, 2012 | Relationships
It was Sunday night church, and I was in the four-year-old classroom. Our teacher read a Bible story while eight to ten children sat coloring. I was sitting next to a little girl with long, beautiful blond hair. Mine was long and blond, but hers was pulled back...
by Lindsay May | Oct 31, 2012 | Relationships
One thing I’ve observed lately is that many of us are clones. Take a few moments to think about who you surround yourself with every day. For us working ladies, think of your co-workers. Or think of your classmates, roommates, or in other words, who are your...
by Nancy Holte | Oct 17, 2012 | Relationships
Last week I posted this statement on Twitter: What a difference it would make if, when engaged in a conversation that smacked of gossip, we held up our hand and said, “Stop!” Reading Susie Larson’s book, Uncommon Woman, is what prompted my post. She shares a powerful...
by Guest Contributor | Aug 15, 2012 | Relationships
The longer I am a wife and mother, the more I realize just what a thankless job this is. The demands of a husband and small children have a way of wearing me down. It’s not that I never hear thank you or receive a compliment, but the bulk of what I do goes...
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