The Old Red Etch-A-Sketch

My youngest daughter, Jenessa, is an artist.  Ever since she was a little girl, she would sit down in the middle of the floor, her crayons, scissors, glitter, and glue sprawled out beside her, and would begin the adventurous task of creating some new work of...

Just Gotta Have It!

          Have you ever said those words? “I just gotta have it!” Recently I started my 21 day fast we do each year at the beginning of the New Year. This year is a bit different in that I am doing the fast corporately with...

Year End Tax Planning

In my tax practice, some of the the most frequently asked questions I receive are about year end tax planning.  As December 31st quickly approaches, here are some basic concepts to consider in trying to maximize deductions and minimize taxes. The basic...

An A-to-Z Guide for Lent

A      Acknowledge your desperate need for a Savior. “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned” (Romans 5:12). B      Be brokenhearted over your sin. “For I know my...

Keep Walking…

In my book, Embracing Your Freedom, I share a story of an Englishman who was a prisoner in a concentration camp in WWII. One day this young man read Psalm 91 and paused especially on verse seven: “though a thousand fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right...