Behind Closed Doors {Domestic Abuse Series}

The statistics are terrifying. Currently, one in three women are victims of domestic violence and one in five have been or will be severely physically abused in their lifetime. That sentence alone makes my knees buckle and my head spin as I think of the women and...

Swimsuits for Your Body Type

Summer is here! The lake is calling and the kids want to go to the pool. I’ve never met a woman who enjoys swimsuit shopping. It is a chore and when your body has changed from that teenage figure to a womanly figure; one can find it frustrating knowing what fit is...

Empathy in Action

Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness and truth;” -Exodus 34:6 Compassion is a central characteristic used to describe God in heaven. Compassion...

Live Like an Ant

I am a sucker for lists. Mostly I love lists because they make me feel like I am moving forward. I want to feel progress at all times. So anything that is titled, “Ten Things to Make 2015 the Best Year Ever” or, “Five Steps to Younger Looking Skin” grab my attention....