When We’re Bent Low – An Easter Story

The first Easter after we received my son’s autism diagnosis, I remember watching him anxiously attempting to stay a step ahead of his cousins as they all ran around the yard searching for eggs, plastic pails bouncing and spilling as little legs bent low to peek into...

Our Story of Autism

By the time my youngest son was three months old, I knew something was different. He didn’t sleep like my first two children slept. He didn’t respond to me like my first two children did. He stiffened his body when I held him. (I held him anyway.) He...

I’m Okay With Imperfect Kids

For the longest time, we thought our teenager was just a big giant brat. For some reason, the road into adolescence led us to a teenage daughter who struggled being around her younger siblings, whose rage was borderline scary for us as parents, and whose emotions were...