6 Books to Lift Your Spirits

6 Books to Lift Your Spirits

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need a funny or feel-good book to lighten my mood a bit. This has never been truer than it is now, during this whole COVID season of life. If I start a book and it looks even remotely depressing, I’ll put it down and move...

Beach Reads

In the mood for a new book this summer? We’ve got you covered. Here’s a quick list of some of our current favorites, perfect for lazy summer days and nights. Everybody Always by Bob Goff. I read Goff’s first book, Love Does, a few years ago while spending sun-soaked...

A Few Good Books

Most of us who write for Bridging the Gap also love to read. And we love to talk about what we’ve read. Today, we’d like to share some of our favorite recent reads with you in hopes of inspiring you to pick one and enjoy some time curled up with a good book. Rooms by...

Top Off Summer with a Good Book!

Any time of year is a great time to read a book but during the summer when days are slower and warmer, grabbing a book and a glass of sweet tea as you head to the deck just sounds so inviting, doesn’t it? But what book would fit the bill? As it so happens, our writers...

Four Recommended Summer Reads

It’s finally summer! For some of us that means beach reading, which for me is just regular reading. I don’t choose different books based on the season. So, sorry, there’s only one light contemporary romance on the list—it’s a good one, though! Whatever reading time...