
As I worked on my list of items to take to Ireland and carefully planned overlapping outfits that would stretch my wardrobe, I found myself staring at my bags and a thought hit me: Preparing for a flight is similar to God’s preparation and boundaries for living! Let...

Why So Pushy?

It is the middle of July and in the Mid-West it feels like we have just settled in to the Summer season.  We made it past graduations and June weddings, and there are several more weeks to just enjoy nice weather and family time! However, in the middle of our...

“The Amazing Race for Single Mothers”

The Amazing Race for Single Mothers    by: Lois Breit  You’re up before dawn; the ‘clues’ for today’s race will be found in your day-timer, iphone, blackberry, or wall calendar; you expect “detours” throughout the day and pray they aren’t too...

Just Gotta Have It!

          Have you ever said those words? “I just gotta have it!” Recently I started my 21 day fast we do each year at the beginning of the New Year. This year is a bit different in that I am doing the fast corporately with...


PRE-WASH It is one of those too-rare Monday mornings. Following a full weekend of ministry-related travel, my family is finally fed, dressed and out the door. The house is once again quiet. Savoring the silence, I make a fresh pot of coffee, then sit at the kitchen...