The Pull of Home

We moved to a new town the summer before I began fourth grade. A shy bookworm, I had stick-straight blonde hair down to my rear, 90s bangs, and an affinity for wearing a Mickey Mouse tunic and leggings. It was summer, so without school to help me meet other kids, I...

Did They Give Up?

There is a story in the Bible toward the end of Acts that always gives me a little chuckle, and at the same time, reminds me of God’s faithfulness. The apostle Paul had been arrested and put into jail, basically because he believed in eternal life through Christ....

Don’t You Dare

Sheryl Sandberg, widow of Facebook CEO Dave Sandberg, posted on Facebook after 30 days of mourning the loss of her husband, “A friend is filling in for Dave, attending activities with our children. He is Option B. But I want Option A. I will always mourn Option A.” At...