6 Books to Lift Your Spirits

6 Books to Lift Your Spirits

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need a funny or feel-good book to lighten my mood a bit. This has never been truer than it is now, during this whole COVID season of life. If I start a book and it looks even remotely depressing, I’ll put it down and move...

Joy and Grief

Joy and grief are unlikely friends. In our journey of parenting a child with special needs and global developmental delays, however, joy and grief are often neighbors in the same day, hour, or moment. I’ve been really scaling back on my time on social media lately....

Simple Joy

My little sister’s birthday is just before Christmas. Because I’m not completely crazy, I usually buy her gift online and have it shipped right to her or send something small, like a gift card, that I can just slide into a card and throw into my mailbox. But this year...

When You Just Need to Take a Breath

“So what are you going to do next?” The question was posed innocently enough by a friend last night after I’d explained about just finishing up helping with a major women’s conference and meeting the final deadline for our book (yay!) last week. I immediately fumbled...

Stop Hiding

My daughter’s small voice swelled as it rose above those around her in worship last Sunday. I watched as she poured her whole self into the effort, an experience that consumed all of her — mind, body, and spirit. It wasn’t perfectly tuned, perfectly...