Bye-Bye Bah Humbug

You remember Ebenezer Scrooge, the famous character in Charles Dicken’s classic novel, “A Christmas Carol”, right? His most famous line about celebrating Christmas was, “Bah, Humbug!” In other words, he was so busy working and making...

Speaking Life

At a recent conference, a woman I admire stated that she had fasted from speaking negatively about anyone for several weeks. As she was talking, I felt Jesus nudge me and say, “How about your taking up this challenge?” This really terrified me. I often worry about...

The Skill of Receiving

Last month, I stopped into the Hallmark Visitor Center in Kansas City, Missouri, on the way home from a road trip. As I was walking through the self-guided tour, I came across one exhibit displaying an array of resin crowns decorated by employees to celebrate the...

When Grace is What You Really Need

I see it often in my social media news feeds—judgments made, people labeled and dismissed. Opinions vary far and wide on anything and everything, and people are easily disregarded if they act in a way we don’t think is right or believe something different than us. We...

She called her “FAT”

I was chatting with an old friend when out of the blue she told me she’d heard that so-and-so had gotten “fat.” I bristled. She obviously didn’t know how mad these words would make me and I bit my lip. “What do you mean?” I asked. She repeated her statement again. I...