by Nancy Holte | Oct 9, 2017 | Just Laughs
We’ve all been given advice from our moms over the years. I think everyone’s mom has told them to “always wear clean underwear, you never know when you’ll be in an accident.” As it turns out, this advice is somewhat true; you never know when you’ll be in an accident....
by Kathy Banta | Nov 3, 2016 | Relationships
Recently, I had the honor of being a judge for the Miss Teen pageant in Minneapolis. It was a two-day event. Contestants participated in interviews, modeled casual wear and formal gowns. As I judged, I looked for personality, poise, confidence, and authenticity. A...
by Susan Rueter | Jun 27, 2016 | General
The sun isn’t even up yet as a young mom gets ready to leave for work. Quietly she tiptoes into her children’s rooms to gently kiss them goodbye before she leaves for her double shift. She lingers for a moment, hoping for one to stir and open his eyes so she can see...
by Lindsay May | Apr 13, 2015 | Life Issues
There is a REAL struggle to have it all. Be it all. Do it all. No matter how good I become at suppressing these aching thoughts and emotions, they always seem to creep back, winding their way into my brain through unsuspecting venues. We’ve all heard the warnings of...
by Tara Tollefson Gronhovd | Aug 5, 2014 | General
I wasn’t ready. Before I came to accept Christ as my savior in 2008, I sought God. I would get close and then rebel, because deep down I knew that if I accepted Christ, I would also need to accept what he said about how to live my life. I wasn’t ready to make those...
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