Worry or Peace-The Choice is Yours

Worry. Someone once told me it was “negative prayer.” I call it exhausting. At 3:00 a.m. it’s as if the switch in my brain has been flicked on and my mind starts to race. It may be words I’ve spoken, words spoken to me, the gas bill that is due, my child’s struggle,...

Stop Striving; Come Know Me

Stop Striving; Come Know Me A poem by Kristen Ostrem You don’t have to strive, and you don’t have to hide. Pretending, performing, and masking are facades that all root from pride. You’re afraid you’re not good enough, disappointed you...

When You Just Need to Take a Breath

“So what are you going to do next?” The question was posed innocently enough by a friend last night after I’d explained about just finishing up helping with a major women’s conference and meeting the final deadline for our book (yay!) last week. I immediately fumbled...

Broken Dreams

As she shared her loss, I could hear the quiver in her voice. It had been 3 years, and yet as we spoke, the tears stung my own eyes. My daughter Sarah and I were discussing the baby that went from womb to heaven in a moment. The wonder of pregnancy, the joy and...

A Little Peace, Please?

I awoke in the early morning hours with a headache—the kind where the pain becomes meshed into your dreams. In fact, I’m writing old school so I don’t have to look into the bright screen of the computer! As I came out of that dream state, I reached into the nightstand...