First to the Empty Tomb

It was early in the morning when the women went to the tomb. In their grief they didn’t know what else to do. The one they had believed to be the Messiah had been brutally tortured to death on a Roman cross. The one whom they had followed for three years, their...

When You Need a Little Boost

“Mom, give me a little boost,” my son instructed me. He was newly off training wheels and had just graduated to a bigger bike. I steered my bike closer, bent down and gripped his handle bar as he put his feet on his pedals and took off, determined to catch...

Life is Hard, But God is Good

I’m an optimist and usually an upbeat person. The majority of the time, I can see the silver lining of a cloud almost as quickly as I see the cloud, for myself and others. But there are times when the cloud feels so heavy that getting through the day feels more like...

The Workplace

Does the workplace ever make you feel like the writer in Lamentations? Lamentations 3: 52-54 says, “Those who were my enemies without cause hunted me like a bird. They tried to end my life in a pit and threw stones at me; the waters closed over my head, and I thought...

Heart Condition

The human heart is a mystery. Science is able to study the inner workings of this intricate organ and understand its physiology. The intrigue comes when we look at the heart as the keeper of our emotions. For example, what does it mean when we say our...