Taking Care of You

Taking Care of You

I don’t think anyone would deny that these past few months have been challenging. Life has been anything but normal, and it can get overwhelming at times. It would be easy to beat yourself up by keeping a running list of all the things you think you should be...

Why I haven’t Showered in 7 years

Ok, the title isn’t entirely true. Obviously I’ve showered in 7 years, but since having kids? Showering has taken on a whole new meaning. Before children, I used to get ready for work every morning with a nice hot shower that casually woke me up and helped me...

Grown-up Birthdays

I just love this idea so I have to share it with you. A few years ago I let my husband, Rory, off the hook for my birthday. I have high expectations for my birthday and was always hoping that maybe he could magically read my mind when my birthday came around. As it...