by Kristin Demery | Sep 29, 2014 | Relationships
Each year when I see my doctor for my routine appointment, it comes up. Usually with a nurse, someone who is kind but impersonal, working their way through the checkboxes marking my family medical history, glossing over my paternal grandmother’s stroke and my mom’s...
by Tabby Finton | Sep 25, 2014 | Trends
I am sick to my stomach every time I read about another ISIS attack or the disgusting details of what this terror group has done and continues to do to innocent children and adults in the Middle East, just because they are Christians. I despise the information that no...
by Janet DeCaster | Sep 25, 2014 | Faith
You wouldn’t expect a 30, 40 or 50-year-old person to drink milk out of a baby bottle, would you? Of course not! Adults shouldn’t be living on baby’s milk or infant formula, should they? We naturally expect babies to drink milk from their mother or a bottle and to...
by Julie Fisk | Sep 22, 2014 | Leadership
It was years ago — over a decade — and yet it is forever etched vividly in my mind’s eye. I was at a basket weaving class (yes, there is actually such a thing; yes, it is actually a lot of fun; and for those of you thinking of the college credit...
by Jolene Erlacher | Sep 22, 2014 | Life Issues
We have all been there. At a party surrounded by laughter, conversation, and energy yet feeling like we are in a bubble separate from everyone else, unable to connect with or relate to the interactions around us. I was at a conference by myself this weekend in a new...
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