
As I worked on my list of items to take to Ireland and carefully planned overlapping outfits that would stretch my wardrobe, I found myself staring at my bags and a thought hit me: Preparing for a flight is similar to God’s preparation and boundaries for living! Let...

The Art Show

This is the fourth article in our new 7-week series called “Her Story,” stories of ordinary women experiencing, overcoming, or choosing to do extraordinary things. This week’s story is from Shari Harris, who writes about her mother’s extraordinary...

Mom, You are Enough

Did I catch your eye with the title? Did you peer further, secretly hoping that what I said in the title is true? It is. You are. You, as you are, in this moment, are enough and I need you to know that. Even more, your kids need you to know that. Didn’t do the...

Swimsuit Season

Ah, swimsuit season: The season that puts a cringe on your face faster than the thought of another long, hard winter! I’m not a huge fan of swimming, but I do try to have a suit on hand for kayaking, bringing the kids to the beach, and the few-and-far-between stays at...