Reaching Ten Years By the Skin of Our Teeth

This month, my husband and I will celebrate our 10-year anniversary. When my parents reached their 10-year mark, they celebrated with a large recommitment ceremony that included me wearing the 9-year-old equivalent of an awful bridesmaid dress. But despite the mark...

A Healthy Holiday Dish

The holiday season is a wonderful time of the year to spend with family and friends, enjoying each other’s company — and there is almost always food involved! Food has a magical way of bringing people together in fellowship. However, many of us struggle with the...

God’s Slow Cooker

Waiting. Like me, most Americans don’t do it very well. We can be a bit impatient, can’t we? With our busy-busy lives and surrounded by an always-in–a-hurry society, we just don’t like to wait. The American landscape is filled with monuments to our culturally...

Embracing an Imperfect Christmas

As I sighed heavily this past week over my unfinished Christmas to-do list, I was gently reminded of lesson I learned (and keep relearning) this past summer. It was after a hot day spent doing yard projects and housework that my husband invited our neighbors over for...

Does Cancer Make People Jerks?

Last month in my blog 1000 Gifts and More I mentioned that our family has been walking through some “hard eucharisteo,” a time when giving thanks seems a little bit more challenging. On October 23 we heard the news that my husband, John, has all the indicators...