Healthy and Hearty Tomato Sauce Recipe

About 35 years ago, at the age of 28, I had a huge scare with breast cancer. That’s when I began my journey toward eating healthy, before cooking holistically was even popular, like it is today. I often experimented until I found recipes that worked for our...

Renew Now

Guest Contributor: Shaunti Feldhahn is a wife and mom, as well as a popular speaker and best-selling author.  After receiving a graduate degree from Harvard, Shaunti started out on Wall Street, but now applies her analytical experience in a totally different...

Perfect Storm

Guest Contributor Lisa Skordahl makes her home in Coon Rapids, Minnesota with her husband and two wonderful daughters. She works as an accountant and enjoys teaching and counseling in personal finance. She is driven by a desire to help others succeed when it comes to...

Crossing the Border

The other day I had a bit of a flashback to when our kids were younger – like about 20 years younger. We had traveled up to northern Minnesota for a weekend at my husband’s parents. They lived on the Rainy River overlooking, coincidentally enough, a little town called...

Daddy’s Girls

There is a whole generation of young women (late 20’s and 30’s) getting cancer — simply because they were “daddy’s girls” at age ten. These daddies* worked with asbestos in the days when the public didn’t know it was scary...