The Jennifer Jones Principle

The Jennifer Jones Principle

I’ve always said that my husband could never work from home. He’s far too social to feel fulfilled home officing. And, if I’m being honest, we’re both too high strung, strong-willed, and opinionated to ever be relationally successful working in the same vicinity all...

I See YOU.

In the hustle and bustle of the holidays right now, I wanted to take a moment to share something that has had a profound impact on my life. It’s something I use at home and try to incorporate at work, as well. I hope it brings a smile to your face and maybe...

The Presence of God

Experiencing the presence of God is the primary need of all Christ followers. This is what God created us for, fellowship with him. Spending time with God and experiencing intimate moments with him is what takes being a Christian out of the religion context into a...