Snow Day Cookies

Snow days were a pretty foreign concept for me until I moved to the Midwest. In my defense, Florida schools didn’t have much reason to ever need a snow day. Hurricane days, well, that’s a different story. I also didn’t grow up knowing how the weight of winter bogs...

It’s All About the Food!

When I think back to Christmases from my childhood, lots of memories come to mind: the Advent Calendar (complete with gifts) that my grandma would send every year, decorating the tree, sorting (and counting) our presents with my brothers on almost a daily basis,...

The Joy of Intentional Gift-Giving

If holiday gift-giving has gotten away from you in the past, or if you can’t even imagine how you are going to budget for it this year, or make room for all the new toys, or add to the laundry pile of clothes, or manage your family’s screen-time with the next...

Changing (cough, cough) Family Traditions

Change a family tradition? You’ve got to be kidding. Wouldn’t it be easier to swim a snake-infested river? Climb an icy crag during a blizzard? Fly without an airplane? Adjusting a tradition that has been in a family for years sounds next to impossible, at least until...

Thanksgiving – Traditional or 21st Century?

I recently glanced at the cover of the November issue of Good Housekeeping and saw – in big letters – THANKSGIVING. It’s no surprise that the November issue would focus on the upcoming holiday, but then I saw a picture of a cake. A CAKE! “No, no, no!” I...