Rooted and Grounded

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Home is where the heart is”? Have you ever watched the movie? It’s a real tear-jerker, as Natalie Portman plays Novalee Nation, a pregnant teenager stranded in WalMart with only $5.55 in her pocket. I am in the middle of the book right...

Trashing the Mega Church? Think Again

In 2007, after years of drug and alcohol addiction, I began a long, painful journey to health. After growing up deep seeded in church culture, I was angry with religion and consequently, God. The absolute last place I wanted to be was in a large church setting. But...

The It Girl

Have you ever heard the saying that opposites attract? I have, and I am a strong believer in it. Have you ever observed this to be true? In so many couples, there is a bubbly, talkative woman with a very serious-minded man. Or a very strict and disciplined girl, with...

Glass-Blowing and God

I sat mesmerized as I watched the glassblower work at the Hadeland Glassverk factory during our visit to Norway. I was surprised by the intensity that I felt as I watched him mold the glass into its intended product. I’ve seen glassblowing before so my thought was...