Six Simple Ways to Care for a Caregiver

Deja-vu came on strong for me one morning recently. My mother-in-law lay in the other room recuperating from a fall which had resulted in a fracture of her spine. Every morning she needed help getting out of bed and putting on a back brace. She needed help with her...

Gluten FREEdom

Contrary to popular belief, the gluten-free lifestyle isn’t just a trend. Trust me, I want that donut and those pancakes and that Chinese food. I wish my body absorbed nutrients correctly. Let me take you back to my “growing up” years. I was in the third grade. Mom...

Encouraging Others to Flourish

It was just a little note. I prayed as I wrote, slipped it into the mail, and went on about my day. My unexpected note arrived in the midst of her rough day and, in that moment, was exactly what she need to hear. The Lord knew what she needed. My note, written days in...

I Didn’t Mean to Hear It

I didn’t mean to hear it. I sat down in an empty “comfy” spot at the coffee shop, and only a purse occupied any of the seats around me. It looked like a safe enough location for my ten-minute reprieve between morning meetings. And then they returned. A woman (thus the...

I Don’t Feel Brave

I don’t feel brave. Not one bit. Let me explain. I recently went to the Mayo Clinic for some tests. The day did not start well. Personally, I’m of the opinion that starting a day at 6:00 a.m. with an alarm ringing in my ears is just bad from the get-go. But there was...