Let’s Get Real

Let’s Get Real

My pastor said something a few weeks back that really stuck. He said we believe in the things Jesus said and did and what the Bible says… but do we do the things that Jesus said and what the Bible says? Let’s get real. We typically don’t. We go about...

Moving Forward or Going Back to Egypt

True story: The Book of Numbers is not usually on the top of my personal devotional Bible reading list. But one of my goals for 2018 is to read the entire Bible. I guess maybe it’s a Christian version of the New Year’s resolution. I’ve read the Bible...

A Divine Appointment on a Desert Road

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27 It was hot, dry, and dusty. He was tired and may have wondered how he’d gotten to the lonely road. He’d been traveling and was weary. ‘Why” he thought, “did the...

Walking On God’s Path

One sunny late spring day, I met a dear friend of mine to take a walk around a local lake. We love to walk and pray together when we can. I brought my little dog, Joy, along with me so she could get her exercise. The lake is located in a nice, safe, suburban...

For Crying Out Loud!

I hate crying. It’s lame. Especially in front of people. Super lame. Especially if it’s not an “appropriate” time or place to cry–-like at work. Is there anything worse than tearing up in a board room in front of your professional peers? It seriously frustrates me...