As I spent my time in the Word this morning, I thought about All the beautiful women everywhere! I would  like to share what God put on my heart! 

We all go through challenges and adversities and I’m not sure what you may be going through right now; the good news is that although the road may not be easy, God will get you through the storm.  The key is trusting in the Lord and when we do this we learn to spend more time focusing on Him and less time focused on the circumstances.   Besides, circumstances are subject to change when God is involved!

I’ve learned to refrain from asking God to prevent the trials, struggles and challenges I face, but in fact to protect me as I face them.  I am reminded of John 12:27-28 where Jesus realized and accepted His purpose.  He was not saved from the hour but out of the hour.  If you have a chance, read the passage, it will bless you! 

Check out James 1:2

According to James, we should count it all joy when we face various trials. 

 I am convinced that James is not telling us we are to jump up and down when we’re facing challenges, but I do believe that as we face them, whatever is meant for harm can turn around for good, if we put our trust in the Lord!  This can help us to take joy in the outcome, giving Him the glory.     

Take a moment to think about how much better off the world would be if we are able to count it all joy when going through trials.  Would there be as much depression, anxiety?

I think not, and the reason I say this is because there was a time when I did not put my focus on the Lord.  I was focused on Satise, and as long as I was focused on Satise, I lived with depression and anxiety when things got to be too much for me!

I began to think about my focus and I thought; if I’m focusing on circumstances, challenges, adversities, I’m not focusing on the Lord, and there’s no way I can do what He has called me to do if I’m focusing on me. (I’m just saying)! I don’t want to live in the problem but focus on the solution and that is being about my Father’s business.  If I am healthy spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally, I can better serve Him and do what He has called me to do. 

I want to encourage you to be intentional about deepening your relationship with Jesus, so that you can count it all joy when you go through trials.

There are principles that I live by and I’d like to share just a couple of them with you.

  1. Pray, study, meditate, in other words: eat sleep and drink the Word of God.  Matthew 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you.
  2. Surround yourself with godly faith-filled friends who will speak the Word over you, pray for you in times of trouble, support you, hold you accountable and stand in agreement with you and what God’s will is for you.  (Proverbs 27:17).  Ask God to put those people in your life who will help propel you to the destiny HE has purposed for you!!! 

Tough times can teach us patience, character and can produce spiritual maturity, this glorifies God. Trials, adversities, circumstances can remove our shallowness, and if we allow them to, can better position us to be who He has called us to be! 

Be blessed,
