God Sees

God sees you in your happiness when everything is fine,
And He sees you in your brokenness, every single time.
He comprehends our human hearts even better than we know,
And He allows some troubled times to come so that we too can grow.

He waits with the lonely and single ones who desire a family dream,
And cheers as they choose to obey Him and wait for the Master’s perfect scheme.
He grieves the pain of those waiting for a child who is not to be,
And the months and years of desperation, tears, and agony.

He mourns with those who’ve experienced deep loss and grief and pain,
And holds them closer to His heart as He showers down grace like rain.
God hurts with those who have turned away because of shame or sin,
And calls to their hearts repeatedly, for repentance to let Him back in.

The Father of love will not waste our pain; He bottles the tears we’ve shed,
And we can follow and trust Him in faith that He’ll lead as He always has led.
Let the Source of all comfort and power and peace now wrap His love around you,
And the Spirit Divine confirm in your soul, so you’ll know that His promise is true.

His grace is enough to carry us through every minute that comes along,
And His strength, most perfect when we are weak, will help us to sing a new song.
I choose to believe and to step out in faith as I anchor myself to what’s true,
And with expectation, I will live out each day walking more closely with You.