Fall is in the air; I can’t deny it any longer. The first day of school has come and gone, and all my arguments to the contrary are moot. It’s time for sweaters, scarves, pumpkin spice lattes, and football games. And colder weather. Ugh.

I live in Minnesota, so of course I know it gets cold here in the winter. Okay, it gets really cold. But I can’t figure out why I am lamenting letting go of summer this year so much. Warm temps and sitting in the sun for hours and going to the beach and relaxing. Well, maybe I can figure it out a little.

Fall signals that structure has arrived once again. As kids go back to school and schedules tighten up, that means that lazy summer days are temporarily a thing of the past. Organization, homework, and time constraints all play a part in every day once again. And I’m usually ok with that. So why is this year different?

Well, I recently discovered something about myself. I like trying to figure out the future. No, I’ve never tried to tell fortunes or anything like that, but I’m not content just doing things; I want to know why. I want to figure out what purpose something will have in the future. I’ve been feeling for a while that I want to learn French again. I took a couple of years in high school, and I’d like to know more. So then my brain says, WHY do you want to learn more French? Will I go to France one day? Will I see the Eiffel Tower? Will I like Paris?

Oh for heaven’s sake! Just pick a language course and get started already! I tend to spend so much time contemplating the possible outcomes of my decisions that I put off making them, or never step out at all. And I can’t blame it on being a planner. Organized I am not. My contemplation leads more to worry than to planning.

I understand that I need to have balance. Too much one way or the other isn’t smart either. But I’ve discovered many things in the past that I’ve talked myself out of before I even got started.

Research began yesterday for which language course I’ll take. Parlez-vous français? Moi aussi… soon !