Rainbow Cupcakes

From Guest Blogger: Becca Groves When my niece turned five she asked if I would make rainbow cupcakes for her birthday party. And since I’m addicted to pinterest, this was basically asking me if I would like to play. Yes, yes I would. They turned out adorable...

One Bad Boss Away

Most have had one or two. Perhaps you have one now. Maybe, heaven forbid, you’ve even been one: a bad boss. Learning to look at challenges as opportunity has stretched me to the breaking point. God, show me what you want me to learn was my plea. Seeing the experience...


The smile is quick and bright when you meet; however, she turns it off as fast as she rounds the corner—her happy expression turns to a snicker; her scowl reflects her scorn. She hides behind the smile, but her words give her away. Her actions are inconsistent with...

DIY Jewelry Frame

We’ve all done it. Most of us hide in shame. Others of us display it for the world to see. What is it? Our Pinterest project attempts. There are many of us brave enough to share their ventures online on sites such as http://www.pinterestfail.com/.  I’m not...

Parental Peace

For all my elementary years, I rode a bus to my school eight miles away. My town did not have an elementary school. It had the Junior High and High School combined in one building, shared by ours and three other towns. When I began seventh grade there wasn’t a bus to...