Life was grand – every night was date night. Movies, peaceful dinners out, last-minute trips, and the thing I’ve loved all along – freedom – was abundant and thoroughly enjoyed. I had a wonderful husband, home in the suburbs, established career, and newly acquired master’s degree.Flourishing in Motherhood

So what happened to change life as I knew it? A bundle of love. My sweet Brynlee changed everything I knew about my life. I moved from the corporate world to a full-time career in motherhood. I went from doing something I knew well to asking God to help me get through another day (or until naptime). From putting out corporate fires to cleaning explosive diapers. From two steady, full-time salaries to living on half our previous income. The hardest change was not being surrounded by work friends (or anyone who spoke!).

Yet I wouldn’t change a thing. A new chapter of my life is unfolding, and I get to help my baby discover her first one. Along the way, I am discovering new joys and pleasures that I couldn’t previously comprehend.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
How do you integrate change in your life? Do you fight it, or trust God in the uncharted waters?

*This was originally published in our Flourish Devotional, released in limited copies in spring 2014.