I Choose to be Generous

Each of us is faced with thousands of choices every day that define our thoughts, our behavior, and who we are to the world. This fall’s Thrive Conference explores the idea that the choices we make hold power and provide opportunities that influence ourselves, others,...

2016 Fall Fashion Trends

Fall is just about here. It is my favorite season for many reasons. My senses come alive with the crisp autumn air, the scent of bonfires, the tastes of apple and pumpkin, and the gorgeous trees showing off their hues of orange, brown, gold, and red.   After...

Just Don’t

Like millions of other Minnesotans and Midwesterners, I spent much of last weekend in tears. When I wasn’t crying, I spent the rest of my time on my knees praying for the family of Jacob Wetterling. Much like other moments in history, I remember exactly where I was...

5 Easy Steps to a Meaningful Quiet Time

Draw near to the Lord, and he will draw near to you. That’s the promise in James 4. But how do we do that? How do we quiet the world around us and sit at the feet of Jesus? Here are some simple ideas that work for me. Find a quiet place. Turn off the TV. Mute the...

The Sobering Risks of Substance Abuse in Families

Almost 24 million Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, many of whom are parents or guardians to one or more children. When a child experiences substance abuse in a household, it can have a devastating impact both physically and mentally. As such, their risk of...