What Do You Want God to Do?

What Do You Want God to Do?

Stacey is the sentimental one. Out of the four sisters in my family, she has more stuff that sparks joy for her than the rest of us do. Because, for Stacey, items are never valued by shelf space or price tags, but in the memories and meaning they possess. So when she...

How to Find Great Friends

If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you. -Winnie the Pooh The number one question I receive on college campuses is “how do I make friends”? Friendships are some of the most important relationships in life, aside...

Show Me the Blueprints

It was that morning – you know the kind. The wakening cries from your baby jostle you from a deep slumber. You blink slowly, checking the time—definitely earlier than you were ready for. Taking a few slow breaths, you try to muster enough energy to swing back...

When the Raisins Are Stuck

Recently, I had the privilege of watching my grandmother bake. For me, this simple thing offers a rare, deep sense of home and family. My enjoyment doesn’t have much to do with the sweets that come from her oven (tasty as they may be), but it allows me to appreciate...

Posture and Perspective

This past Christmas, a family member treated us to flights, and we gladly swapped the Minnesota tundra for the Florida tropics. At my mother-in-law’s home, we visited until 3:30 a.m., laughed ourselves hoarse, and overate cookies, prime rib, and toffee. We also slept...