The Prayer of Faith

For any relationship to not only survive, but thrive, communication must be at the center of it. No matter where you are in your relationship with Jesus Christ, the need for communication is a fact that you will need to come to terms with. When we first enter into...

When Love Walks Away

The fall of 2012 will always remain in my memory as a season of tragic loss for me. I don’t recall another time where I felt so stripped down, empty, and so utterly alone. Despite the beautiful colors of fall, signifying that year’s harvest coming to a close, I was...

Yes, You Need to Forgive

Forgiveness. As a woman of God, you would think that I would have forgiveness completely understood by now. But I don’t. Many of us know the verses in Matthew, directing us to forgive one another so that we, too, may be forgiven, yet for some reason we hang on to...

The Meeting that Changed my Marriage

My husband Rory and I recently added a weekly meeting into the mix at our house, and folks, this is a game-changer for us. Now that we have it, I have no idea how we were functioning without it. And actually, the answer is that we weren’t really functioning! Too...