My Exposed Knee

Last week I took my mother-in-law to the eye doctor three days in a row. She’d had cataract surgery and had a minor complication. On the first two days of sitting in the waiting room, I’d dressed in suit coats with scarves and heels, but on the third day, I was tired....

Our Dreams

 I’ve been pondering my dreams, you know, goals, wishes, and desires. My dreams are not to go to Disney Land or to own a castle. My dreams are filled with a great amount of work and learning. To achieve my dream, I realize I can not do it without God. It will be...

Belated Resolution

It’s already Summer!  My devotions and prayerful times have been challenging me to forgive.  FORGIVE!!!  Honestly, sometimes I don’t want to.  Sometimes, I want to hold onto the my negative feelings towards others because,...

The Walrus and the Carpenter

I love books! I am not a speedy reader, because I dissect every word and sentence, to take it all in. But, I love to read! I  love old books, too. One of my prize books, which was given to me, found while helping to clean out an attic, is a 1960 first edition of...

God’s Will?

In the winter of 1975, I lived in the small town of Huxley, Iowa.  That winter we got a generous amount of snow.  My older brother Jerry, with the help of my sister Janni, built a snow fort in the back yard where he tunneled through the snow drifts, with...