Overcoming Evil with Good

Every great story includes a battle between good and evil. The representations of the two sides vary—Frodo versus Mordor in “The Lord of the Rings,” Aslan versus the White Witch in “The Chronicles of Narnia”—the conflict is always there. Most stories end with a sigh...

All That Glitters

Idolatry is something we read about but don’t really think of in conjunction with our own modern lives. We automatically picture the golden calf of Moses’ time as the prime example, and we sigh with relief that we don’t do such foolish things. I have...

A Fire in My Head

Have you ever heard words coming out of your mouth and wonder where they came from? You have a fire in your head and it just came spewing out. My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned, then I spoke with my tongue. Psalm 39:3 (NASB) Recently I...

When God Asks, “What Is Your Name?”

It is a common question, isn’t it—What is your name? It is one of the first questions we ask or are asked when meeting someone for the first time. It is this little identifying label placed upon us by our parents when we were born. At times, our names have specific...

Moving Forward or Going Back to Egypt

True story: The Book of Numbers is not usually on the top of my personal devotional Bible reading list. But one of my goals for 2018 is to read the entire Bible. I guess maybe it’s a Christian version of the New Year’s resolution. I’ve read the Bible...

Finding God in the Refrigerator

I found God in my fridge one day. He wasn’t where I expected. A great big God in a kitchen appliance. Broken, crying, I called out to him. I wanted to know where he was, why I still hurt. Why I still waited for answers. Why I couldn’t feel him near. But there he was,...