Finding the Extra in My Ordinary

“What’s new?” It’s a question I hear all the time amongst friends. When asked of me, I seldom seem to have a good response. What is new? I don’t want to answer with “Well, yesterday I got all the laundry washed, dried, folded, and put away.” Because that seems a bit ....

This One or That One? A Tough Decision

Carol Lund, director of Bridging the Gap, had just challenged a room of 3000 women present at the Thrive Conference to ask God to reveal his audacious love to them during the weekend. Afterwards, during a break and while shopping the many vendors that were present,...

Appreciating Your Pastor

October has been dubbed Pastor Appreciation Month. Certificates to restaurants, gift cards to Walmart, an overnight at a B&B, and theater tickets are among the many awesome gifts given to my pastor-husband over the years. Each gift brightened our lives and filled...

My husband and I recently made a big shift in the way we live.  In a season where most people our age are in their peak earning years, accumulating excessive amounts of unnecessary things, we are intentionally taking a step back to live simply. I realize our path is...

Audacious Love is Generous

This year’s Thrive Conference is a celebration of God’s audacious love: What it looks like, how it overcomes our greatest fears, and how it inspires us. We’re thrilled to announce that, in conjunction with the conference, we’ll be releasing a...