The Church for $1.00

John 10:10b “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”  I sipped my iced tea and nestled into the big green chair.  I had just finished a week-long fast, and a time of diligent prayer to seek God for the...

Our Dreams

 I’ve been pondering my dreams, you know, goals, wishes, and desires. My dreams are not to go to Disney Land or to own a castle. My dreams are filled with a great amount of work and learning. To achieve my dream, I realize I can not do it without God. It will be...

Belated Resolution

It’s already Summer!  My devotions and prayerful times have been challenging me to forgive.  FORGIVE!!!  Honestly, sometimes I don’t want to.  Sometimes, I want to hold onto the my negative feelings towards others because,...

The Walrus and the Carpenter

I love books! I am not a speedy reader, because I dissect every word and sentence, to take it all in. But, I love to read! I  love old books, too. One of my prize books, which was given to me, found while helping to clean out an attic, is a 1960 first edition of...

God’s Will?

In the winter of 1975, I lived in the small town of Huxley, Iowa.  That winter we got a generous amount of snow.  My older brother Jerry, with the help of my sister Janni, built a snow fort in the back yard where he tunneled through the snow drifts, with...

Shut the Door!

You’d think I would know by now not to allow myself any deep introspection on Mondays. Let me explain. During the fall and spring seasons I do a lot of speaking on the weekends. And really, I’ve learned – for the most part – not to look inward...