Does God Really Care About My Money?

Well your first question to Kristi might be “Who is Kristi and why would I come back to this site every month to see what she has to say? “Kristi” is Kristi Andersen and I am a Certified Financial Planner, investment adviser representative and licensed insurance...

Teaching Kids Stewardship

Raising children who know the value of the dollar doesn’t just happen.  It takes a very intentional and discerning adult to help mold a child in the area of finances.  Every parent wants their children to know how to wisely handle and manage...

Saving……a valued discipline.

God teaches us savings through the instinctual habits of the ant.  According to Proverbs 6:6-8, it tells us to “Go to the ant….consider its ways and be wise!  It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its...

Who Cares?…God Does!

 Since my earliest memory, I knew that money mattered.  The importance of money was heard in the conversations that my parents had.  I experienced money’s power as I spent my own hard-earned dollars on something I’d saved for.  I was fortunate to...

Debt: A Silent Killer

    High blood pressure isn’t the only silent killer in America today.  Debt is slowing and maliciously killing our finances, both as a nation and individually.  As each generation is born, the pressure and intensity of borrowing money has...