by Guest Contributor | Apr 18, 2012 | Self Discovery
I have a confession. I say it slowly and slyly, and with great pains: I am unemployed. It’s not because I’m lazy. It’s not because I’m not qualified. It’s probably not even because of the economy. Perhaps you understand why I’m so...
by Guest Contributor | Apr 4, 2012 | Self Discovery
Once you bought the fancy car, bought the big house, found the sexy spouse, had the perfect angelic children, landed the successful job, then you’ll be happy. Left and right, people give their convincing speeches that this is the goal of life, this is when you know...
by Guest Contributor | Mar 28, 2012 | Self Discovery
In their book, The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen they recommend making a list of 30 people that you’d like to meet in your life. So, I made a list. They were mostly famous people. And you may be wondering, “How will you meet them?” My eldest...
by Guest Contributor | Mar 21, 2012 | Self Discovery
Written by Guest Contributor, Kathy Weckwerth Isaiah 58:9-12 – “I will always show you where to go. I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places…. You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You’ll...
by Amber Woller | Mar 8, 2012 | Life Issues, Self Discovery
Rotting potato stench. It hit me when I looked in the pantry for some crackers to nibble. I hadn’t smelled it a few hours earlier when I grabbed the cereal box. How could such a horrid smell develop so fast? The truth is that potato was rotten when I ate breakfast. It...
by PamelaN | Feb 9, 2012 | Life Issues, Self Discovery
I was raised in a conservative church denomination. Raising hands or “dancing” was frowned upon as it would draw attention to yourself. I’m also a very tall girl who took on this persona of never wanting to stick out at anything so I felt very comfortable in this...
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