Grilled Broccolini & Whipped Feta Toast Appetizer

Finding a new appetizer for another neighborhood party can be tricky.  You want something tasty, easy, and something everyone will enjoy. These simple yet delicious toasts are just the ticket when it comes to bringing a new appetizer to a party that look like they...

Top Off Summer with a Good Book!

Any time of year is a great time to read a book but during the summer when days are slower and warmer, grabbing a book and a glass of sweet tea as you head to the deck just sounds so inviting, doesn’t it? But what book would fit the bill? As it so happens, our writers...

Four Recommended Summer Reads

It’s finally summer! For some of us that means beach reading, which for me is just regular reading. I don’t choose different books based on the season. So, sorry, there’s only one light contemporary romance on the list—it’s a good one, though! Whatever reading time...

Thanks, Mom, for Praying

How many of you are thankful for a praying mother and/or grandmother? If you have a praying parent in your lineage, you are a blessed person. Mothers and grandmothers influence their child’s life by living Godly lives and hitting the throne room of God with...

When We’re Bent Low – An Easter Story

The first Easter after we received my son’s autism diagnosis, I remember watching him anxiously attempting to stay a step ahead of his cousins as they all ran around the yard searching for eggs, plastic pails bouncing and spilling as little legs bent low to peek into...