Dancing With Jesus

I was raised in a conservative church denomination. Raising hands or “dancing” was frowned upon as it would draw attention to yourself. I’m also a very tall girl who took on this persona of never wanting to stick out at anything so I felt very comfortable in this...

Why is saying “I’m Sorry” so hard?

 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” Matthew...

Am I Prepared?

While driving home one night, I noticed a truck stopped on the side of the road and a flashlight flickering next to it. Watching the source of the light eventually allowed me to see the man carrying it. I thought to myself, “That man should have a reflective vest on...

God’s Slow Cooker

Waiting. Like me, most Americans don’t do it very well. We can be a bit impatient, can’t we? With our busy-busy lives and surrounded by an always-in–a-hurry society, we just don’t like to wait. The American landscape is filled with monuments to our culturally...

Doing the Un-Fun Stuff

It’s been almost a year-and-a-half now since I visited my girlfriend in Tennessee. She had lost her husband to cancer about five months before our visit and my husband, John, had just been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. I remember a point in our conversation when...