Freedom From Fear and Insecurity

This article is the first in our “Freedom From…” Series. In the next eight weeks, we will feature a new woman each week that has faced adversity and found freedom in the process. We hope that reading these stories can help you face your own battles, that these...

Don’t Wait.

I’ve got a birthday looming. And while it’s always fun to start the morning with a free coffee from my favorite coffee chain and perhaps snag a free birthday dinner on a date with the hubs, each year I’m growing precariously closer to a new decade –...

Healthy and Hearty Tomato Sauce Recipe

About 35 years ago, at the age of 28, I had a huge scare with breast cancer. That’s when I began my journey toward eating healthy, before cooking holistically was even popular, like it is today. I often experimented until I found recipes that worked for our...

You’ve Come a Long Way Baby . . . or not

Just a few weeks ago our first grandchild was born.  She is the most beautiful baby ever, of course, and, as much as I’d LOVE to tell you all about every little move she’s made since she’s been born, I won’t.  Instead, I want to discuss the hospital experience. Here’s...

Called to be a Christian in Business

I loved going back to school as an adult. I adored getting my higher education at a Christian college. I literally loved every bit of it—looking at each subject through a Christian lens, starting classes with prayer, meeting fellow students who shared my love of Jesus...