Thanks, Mom, for Praying

How many of you are thankful for a praying mother and/or grandmother? If you have a praying parent in your lineage, you are a blessed person. Mothers and grandmothers influence their child’s life by living Godly lives and hitting the throne room of God with...

A Change of Perspective

As we walked through the smoke-filled lobby, I was a little concerned. Was this really where we were going to be staying? In the ten years that John and I have been doing mission trips, we’ve often repeated a phrase my friend taught me right before a weekend retreat....

A Generous Leader

“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to...

A Christmas Memory

She was such a tiny woman, even from my child-sized estimation. Josie had beautiful, ancient Native American skin that was more wrinkled than any other skin I had ever seen. She wore her long brown hair (sprinkled with gray) in braids, and wore glasses that were...

She Blessed Me

I had an amazing experience at the Bridging the Gap Words Matter Conference in October. The speakers were so fun and it was amazing to learn from them, but that wasn’t what made my weekend. The worship, activities, and decor were so great – WOW – but that...