Celebration Of Life

No time to cook today. I left work early to attend the funeral of Scott’s Uncle, Richard. They are not called funerals these days, but celebrations of life. Very impressive. Richard was a music buff and his favorites played throughout the visitation and were...

Laser Moments — Are You Joy Filled?

Laser moments is a representation of the joy experienced in the daily ordinary experiences that becomes sacred when we realize that everyday is literally a gift from God. Here are some examples:  Watching my sons play their recital pieces after months of hard work;...

Rotten Potatoes

Rotting potato stench. It hit me when I looked in the pantry for some crackers to nibble. I hadn’t smelled it a few hours earlier when I grabbed the cereal box. How could such a horrid smell develop so fast? The truth is that potato was rotten when I ate breakfast. It...