Flourishing in Trust

Trust is the currency of every relationship, including our relationship with Father God. I think about the day two years ago when the doctor told me I had an aggressive form of breast cancer. I listened silently to the words being spoken as numbness entered my body. I...

Flourish in God’s Presence

Moments of delight can drop in on us at unexpected times: enjoying a great cup of coffee, noticing a bright flower in bloom, or having a grandchild run or leap into my arms. And sometimes contentment shows up right where I have learned to anticipate it. As I settle...

Trust God with Each Day

Choices, choices, choices…it seems like we are constantly surrounded by choices. First we have to determine what the different paths are and make a choice as to which we will follow, and then we deal with the consequences, good or bad, that come from that...

I’m a Control Freak.

When the car lost control on loose gravel, fishtailing wildly only to end with an ominous smoking crash in the ditch, I knew immediately on impact that something was wrong. Hanging suspended from the lap seatbelt in the backseat behind the driver, I felt panicked by...