The Fog Bank

It was dusk as I drove on the lonely highway through the woodsy countryside. My two young children were in the car with me, and I was watching the road before me carefully for the deer that so often frequented the area. As I drove on and the sun slipped below the...

When God Asks you to Give up Control

I am a planner. I am not so much of a “go with the flow” person. I like schedules and plans laid out days ahead of time. I like going places I’ve been, being with people I know. I’m not what you would call happy about change. I realize a lot of this has to...


There I sat, in the middle of the bare, hardwood floor of my just-above-ground-level apartment. It was January in Minnesota, and I was wondering where my extra blanket could be. Newly married, I was waiting anxiously to start my first ever full-time job the next week....

The Green Chair

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27 (NKJV) I have a favorite coffee shop. For years in the town we used to live in, I was a frequent customer. Still am, as often as I can be, on the weekend. It is located in a charming old...