Have you ever felt like you could use your very own, personal cheerleader? “You can do it if you try,  V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!” Sometimes it’s hard to make tough decisions. Underneath, we may even know what the “right” decision is, if given a choice. But deciding to choose the right way is prickly sometimes.

What will my friends think? What will that colleague think, whom I’m trying to impress? Will I get a reputation as a goody goody if I do this? What if this backfires later?

I think a lot of us go through some form of mental debate as we walk the path of life. We second-guess ourselves. We wonder, what would have happened if… And should we make a poor choice, we berate ourselves internally and lose confidence in our ability to choose rightly.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 31:8 that God promises to go before you to make the way, to prepare the path ahead of you. He even promises to walk with you as you go. The verse goes on to say that you don’t have to be afraid, because He won’t leave you alone.

Psalm 143:8 says that if you ask God, He will assure you of His love for you and show you what to do. Psalm 118:6 says that the Lord is for you, so you don’t have to be afraid.

Wow, that sounds pretty great. But what about when you don’t have your Bible handy or you can’t seem to remember what it says about a certain situation? Well that’s when your personal cheerleader comes to the rescue.

The Holy Spirit is at work all the time, trying to help you choose rightly. He nudges your conscience if you think about doing wrong things and sends up red flags in your spirit to warn you to stop. He comforts when you are sad. He helps to direct you when you don’t know where to go. He teaches when you need instruction. But, as always, you have to choose to listen and follow well.

Just because He leads doesn’t mean you choose to follow. Just because He instructs doesn’t mean you learn a lesson. Just because He comforts doesn’t mean you accept it. You get to choose: all day, every day. It’s up to you to decide rightly.

I believe in you! You can choose the wise choice. Yes, you can! Yes, you can! Yes, you can!