Compare Brings the Despair Bear

Compare Brings the Despair Bear

Almost ten years ago, my husband and I bought a foreclosed house. There was not one wall inside that did not need remodeling of some kind. There were many refining moments throughout the process. We even realized we do not like the same colors. Our choices did not...

The Comparison Rut

I Am Greatly Loved. That was the title of our women’s Bible study lesson last month. My friend Kristin wrote and taught the lesson, and it was amazing. She talked about how we are God’s masterpiece and have been created for a specific purpose. “For we are God’s...

Stop Hiding

My daughter’s small voice swelled as it rose above those around her in worship last Sunday. I watched as she poured her whole self into the effort, an experience that consumed all of her — mind, body, and spirit. It wasn’t perfectly tuned, perfectly...

The Voices in My Head

Sometimes, I hear voices. In my head. It really isn’t multiple voices, it is one small voice that I’ve come to recognize as my own personal little Debbie Downer who loves to tell me all the ways in which I don’t measure up. Ms. Downer was out in full...

Does This Make Me Look Fat?

I recently saw a Facebook post of a teen girl that read, “Ten Prettiest girls?” Very lovingly and big-sister-like, I commented on her wall, “Comparison is the thief of joy. Just sayin’.” And after my post, it hit me in my gut; I do that all the time. Does this make me...